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Our Vision & Ethos

The staff and governors have agreed our Vision Statement for the school as:-

“The school’s aim is for the achievement of the highest possible standards by all our  children within a friendly, secure, caring Christian environment where everyone is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential”.

To achieve our vision we will :-

  • Promote the highest standards of teaching and learning to enable all our children to achieve and maintain their full potential in all areas of their development.
  • To develop good self esteem and confidence.
  • Create a school where children are well behaved, showing respect to each other and to all members of the school community and their environment.
  • Continue to develop the skills of all our staff to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
  • To provide a secure, safe and stimulating environment to everyone with effective and efficient deployment of resources.
  • Develop the skills and knowledge of our governors to lead the school forward in close partnership with the Headteacher and all the staff.
  • Promote the success of the school to the wider community and encourage parents/carers to play an active and effective role in their child’s education.

In Conclusion

We believe that our school must be a happy, caring place where friendliness, respect and understanding exist between staff, children, parents and governors and all the children have equal access to the curriculum embedded within a strong Christian ethos.

Standards of success – developed by staff and children as indicators of aims and beliefs.

  • The school is a learning community in which we are all teachers and all learners.
  • Education makes a difference.
  • Learning happens when all our basic needs are met.
  • Learning should be brain and child friendly.
  • A child’s brain is not a miniature version of an adult’s.
  • There is a genius inside every child and it is our job to find it.
  • Intelligence comes in many forms.
  • We encourage independent learners.
  • We have high, positive expectations.
  • We are all equal and we are all different.